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The Fullest Happy Habits Bundle


The Fullest Happy Habits Bundle

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Transform your life in 30 days. Start your morning and end your evening with the power of saffron to improve your mood, sharpen focus, and foster restorative sleep. Your 30-day protocol includes a daily capsule and beverage to support your healing journey.

A Therapeutic Dose Warm Feelings® uses a therapeutic dose of saffron clinically shown to support mental health. With 150mg of saffron per serving, this dose is backed by Western Medicine along with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.

Kinder Thoughts® supports individuals experiencing mental health challenges like anxiety and depression. We source a technologically enhanced saffron extract called affron®, which is the first saffron extract to publish peer-reviewed evidence of efficacy.

Optimal Absorption: Warm Feelings and Kinder Thoughts both seamlessly integrate saffron with MCTs. This bioavailable blend allows for optimal absorption.

Fast Acting: 63% of customers reported feeling a positive shift in their mood within 1 hour of consuming our Warm Feelings latte.

affron® displays an impressively rapid absorption rate, showing effects after just one hour and prolonged improvement when taken at the clinical daily dose of 30mg.

Cumulative Results: Take long-term to experience the full potential of benefits including a stable mood, heightened focus, optimal digestion, healthy liver, lowered risk of cardiovascular events, enhanced memory, and reduced inflammation.